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Can't Remember Anything Except

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Last night I hit the sack at around 10:00pm
and eventually woke up at around 5:30 in
the morning. And the only thing I could
remember in my dream was that I got bitten
by a darn dog on my left hand.
I remember someone helping me by wrapping
a piece of cloth to stop the rabbis or something.
I also remember feeling something is running
through my veins from the wound I got from
the bite though the bite itself wasn't painful.
I don't really know If such a dream has a
particular meaning but it sure woke me up
Can't help but feel annoyed though...

A Woman in My Dream

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Never thought I would happen to see
a woman in my dream. She's a person
I never meet in my waking life, and I'm
doubtful we ever met, even I live a
hundred years. (question marks)
But she was in my dreams, we held hands
and talk like we've known each other since
childhood. But I never could recall a day
or a moment of a fateful encounter not once,
except in my dream. Last night I dream of her,
who ever she maybe, we were searching for
chocolates. (question marks)
It was kind of weird, but I was happy
walking by the sidewalk looking for chocolates.
We never found any though.
(question marks)

Now that I think about it, this is the second
time I actually dream of this person. The
first was some years ago. I never really
quite see her face But I felt I've known her
a long time.

Weird huh!?...

One thing is sure though, She's definitely
my type. (question marks) (question marks)
And since I'm in a recollecting mode I've
also had an experience of a vision on some
sort. I was about to go to bed when suddenly
things began to black out. then I saw a beautiful
woman a Japanese or Korean or something.
Certainly not the same race as I am, It wasn't
a holy vision or something. She was dressed
in a casually manner. She looked at me and
smiled and in that fraction on a second
she disappeared.

What the heck was that? I said to myself.

Maybe I should get my head check every once
and a while.

yeah right! like I have the money for it.

I wonder if stuff like this happened to
someone else.

I even wonder if there is such a person.

Probably? Earth's population already in the
Billions, I mean what are the odds?
And if there is such a person did she had
an experience where I'm involve?

I doubt...

If so, I hope its not one of those "hope to
avoid a nightmare" thing.

Anyway it did give me a good feeling.
And an joyous smile this morning.
(question marks)

What The!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
In a dark corner I slept, and in my dream
I recall.

I dream of going to the local market, for the
purpose I do not know. I heard of an event
a high school class reunion, I did my best
not to notice or just chose to ignore the whole
affair. I suddenly stand before a shop, that
seem to look like a beauty parlor I open the
door and saw a few people all of whom I came
to know from my high school days. A friend
greeted me and said that Carmel did not go
to the class reunion.

I realized that though the person he was
referring did came from the same class as
I am. He on the other hand is not. His from
another class. Not to mention, I didn't go to the
reunion myself. No big deal though.

I left the place and proceeded to go home.
Going through De la Serna Street. Passing
by my old teachers house just a cross Kindergarten
School. Standing in front of my old teachers house
I met three unknown individuals, all dress in a sort
of hip-hop fashion. In front of my teacher's house
was a small garden and a small fish pond with lots
of huge gold fish that one can see visible through a
wire fence, where me and the three unknown individual
are standing. Suddenly one of the three pick up a
big stone intending to throw it into the fish pond.
I my mind I thought "what the" I suddenly got the
urge to walk fast and stay away from trouble.

In my haste I arrived at the junction of P. Rodriguez
Street. The three unknown individual appeared out of
nowhere, it seems to me that they are trying to get me
involve in there actions which I vehemently refuse.
I doubled my efforts to walk as fast as I could,
this time walking backward and facing the three
unknown individuals, one of the tried to gain on me.
I suddenly realized that I have the gun (.38 revolver)
in my hands. I pointed it to one of the individuals.
and said don't underestimate me, I'm a sharp shooter,
I fixed my sight on that person like marksman's telescope
and fired a shot, seem like I made a hit.

And I woke up afterwards

Miror image

Thursday, March 19, 2009

In a dark corner I slept and in my dreams
I recall.

Two forces of same size, strength and
composition edging for combat and me being
part of one. Each member bearing a unique
character. I see something that look like
a snake and it can talk like a person.
while I have the ability to fly like the
eagle, the opposing side can do the same,
like two different side of the same pipe.

Set in the place that is familiar to me, It's
the place where I studied in my youth.
Where three statue stands(central elementary
school) and the huge tree facing the 3 statues,
with the school fence and the road in between.

I was standing alone at the first gate (north west)
near the junction road. Suddenly, I felt a force
coming from the north. Someone then stood beside
me and said "get out of here". At once I flew up
toward the East crossing the road and unto the
power line were I stood and try to understand
what was going on. A sudden urge to hurry up to
tell my comrades of and impending attack. I flew
again towards the South to warn them. Despite my
speedy haste I feel all is too late. I was suddenly
standing inside a cave, It was somewhat dark
and I felt all was lost, and that I was too late. And
standing on the entrance of the cave facing inward
was a man with what it feels like a huge head of a
snake beside him, we all felt, we lost and yet a
glimmer of hope, strange as it was, I was not afraid
but rather excited of what the outcome may be,
and then I notice the enemy was the mirror image
of me.

Then I woke up, Now that was creepy (question marks)

Introduction to the history of my alternate universe "DREAMS"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A persons dream could be anything from weird
to sex, from one place to another, from family,
friends and even people we've never met, dreams
can also be events mixed with varying degree of
sorts. I really don't know what others dream
about, but I believe mine is no different from the
rest of mankind. I could describe my dreams as
my alternate universe of my childhood years,
my school years and my current life. In some rare
occasion I experience futuristic dreams, though
rare I seem to recall, my fondness for such, once
I recall a dream of the world being invaded by
it was kind of exciting really, but I manage
myself to get caught good thing it was just a dream.
(question marks)
It is said that one can only remember a fraction of
what he/she dreams. My mother on the other hand
says she never had dreams.
(question marks)
It's probably safe to say, she doesn't want to remember
or doesn't take a second look for recollection sake. In
any case dream are unpredictable which make it a
fun thing to write about

Is it not?