In a dark corner I slept, and in my dream
I recall.
I dream of going to the local market, for the
purpose I do not know. I heard of an event
a high school class reunion, I did my best
not to notice or just chose to ignore the whole
affair. I suddenly stand before a shop, that
seem to look like a beauty parlor I open the
door and saw a few people all of whom I came
to know from my high school days. A friend
greeted me and said that Carmel did not go
to the class reunion.
I realized that though the person he was
referring did came from the same class as
I am. He on the other hand is not. His from
another class. Not to mention, I didn't go to the
reunion myself. No big deal though.
I left the place and proceeded to go home.
Going through De la Serna Street. Passing
by my old teachers house just a cross Kindergarten
School. Standing in front of my old teachers house
I met three unknown individuals, all dress in a sort
of hip-hop fashion. In front of my teacher's house
was a small garden and a small fish pond with lots
of huge gold fish that one can see visible through a
wire fence, where me and the three unknown individual
are standing. Suddenly one of the three pick up a
big stone intending to throw it into the fish pond.
I my mind I thought "what the" I suddenly got the
urge to walk fast and stay away from trouble.
In my haste I arrived at the junction of P. Rodriguez
Street. The three unknown individual appeared out of
nowhere, it seems to me that they are trying to get me
involve in there actions which I vehemently refuse.
I doubled my efforts to walk as fast as I could,
this time walking backward and facing the three
unknown individuals, one of the tried to gain on me.
I suddenly realized that I have the gun (.38 revolver)
in my hands. I pointed it to one of the individuals.
and said don't underestimate me, I'm a sharp shooter,
I fixed my sight on that person like marksman's telescope
and fired a shot, seem like I made a hit.
And I woke up afterwards